Ole luova. Yksi vaate kaikkiin päivän menoihin. 𝘉𝘦 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦. One garment to every occasion
Iskikö aamulla taas vaatekriisi? Viileä aamu joka taittuu lämpimäksi päiväksi, töihin pitäisi mennä ja kavereitakin piti nähdä. Kotiin ei...
5 vinkkiä - näin pidät huolta villavaatteistasi | 5 tips - how to take care of your woolen clothes
Villan hyviä puolia sen luonnonmukaisuuden lisäksi on se, että se hylkii liikaa. Toisinaan kuitenkin käy niin, että villavaatteeseen...
Fairy Day - the story from the beginning (Keijupäivä - syntytarina)
In 2011 I was planting in honor of the Helsinki World Design Capital year 2012, 20 000 tulips in Valmogård garden in Kauniainen. As I was...
Mai Niemi Helsinki Fashion Week 2019
Mai Niemi Helsinki Fashion Week 2019 collection show. All accessories and dresses by Mai Niemi Styling: MVillemson /Stylist Makeup:...
Light Language Superfashion
Healing Superfashion The Light Language Superfashion The Creator Gods from Pleiades, Arcturus and Andromeda came to Earth to build the...
Mai's Magic Wardrobe
By Michelle Karén Mai's Magic Wardrobe Mai's Magic Wardrobe created by feng shui fashion consultant/designer Mai Niemi Closet full of...
Fashion with meaning - the Superfashion evolution
Turn up as the best version of yourself To achieve wellbeing we decorate our homes with shapes, forms and colors that are suspicious and...
Superfashion to support women rise
From Cinderellas to Superwoman! IAMMAI Superfashion is a new paradigm feminine fashion. Shift of fashion Fashion is in a deep transition....
Divine Feminine Superfashion
Never heard of Superfashion, what is it? Superfashion is a complete new approach to fashion design and clothing, a holistic and...
Mai Niemi Design Street Fashion show
#superfashion #FinnishFairytaleFashion #MaiMagicWardrobe #Superheroine