Attune to Quantum cards are created by Astrologer Michelle Karén and artist Danijel Trstenjak.
This unique deck supports your grand alliance with the energies of the Universe. Your consciousness comes from the Elementals and the Stars and those who have been around even as your Earth cooled. Encoded within these cards, this energy is still there, waiting to give you wisdom, extended life, and advise that will soothe the sacred peace of your mind and soul".
These cards are a tool for personal transformation and to awaken this wisdom within. This Oracle deck combines channeled rock art and astrological guidance. It is designed to give you deep answers in regard to your personal destiny, and assists you in facing the challenges of your life with grace and ease.
This unique Oracle Card Deck is a fusion of celestial and Elemental energies. , which combines channeled rock art and astrological guidance is designed to give you deep answers in regard to your personal destiny, and assists you in facing the challenges of your life with grace and elegance. It was created as a result of a collaboration between Channeled Art and Quantum Astrology.
Energy Mandalas
The motives on all the cards are extremely powerful energy mandalas that reflect specific frequencies of energy. They are aligned with the vibrations of the elements (fire, earth, air, water) and individual celestial bodies of our solar system when they enter the area of influence of these elements, representing an unique fusion of the celestial and the elemental.
Deep Understanding
An unique written interpretation of the specific energies brings forward new, deeper insights. Each card has an astrological correspondence to the energy mandala (a planet in one of the 4 elements) and a title which summarizes the effect of that planet in a specific element.
The accompanying booklet expands on the meaning of each individual card. The text is divided into two parts: the positive aspect and the challenges. The positive aspect is first priority. Depending on the question asked, it indicates the attitude to have in that situation for the best possible outcome.
Deck Description
Booklet 112 pages + cover, saddle stiched (staple)
44 cards 127mm (h) x 89mm (w) with rounded corners
- 4 elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water)
- 4 x 10 celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) in all elemental energies (Fire, Earth, Air, Water)
Box telescope style with separate base & lid, with 2 thumb-cuts on the lid edges for easy opening. Size approx. 140mm (h) x 103mm (w).
Distribution in Europe. Mai Niemi Finnish Fairytale and Kalevala Experience shops